

Paper Submission

Author Guidelines

Use Times New Roman font. The point size will vary by section.
Make sure that all author affiliation associations are correct. This means author vs. affiliation and author vs. email address. If authors share the same affiliation, list the affiliation one time and number accordingly.

Make sure that figures, images, and tables appear within the text and do not follow the Reference section.
Make sure that all images and tables fall within the margins of the template.
Check all figures and images carefully to ensure that they are complete and that no parts are missing or cut off.
Use clear, legible graphics and diagrams. The font, formulas, tables, and figures should be clear and easy to read.
Number all tables, figures, and formulas sequentially.
Place all captions or other information associated with a table, image, or figure on the same page as that table, image, or figure.
Don’t send Abstract or one-page papers — they are not accepted.
Don’t use copyrighted material without permission. If you have included previously published figures in your article, you must provide written approval from the copyright holder to re-use the figure. Also, include the appropriate credit line associated with the figure in the caption.
Don’t add page numbers or headers/footers.
Don’t alter the margins of our templates.
The soft copy (word file) of the paper should be submitted to: iccide2025@vjit.ac.in
Registration is compulsory. A registered delegate is permitted to present one paper only.
The paper(s) received without the registration fee will not be included in the conference programme /Proceeding publication.
The Authors are requested to adhere strictly to the above guidelines

Reviewing Process

  • Submission: Authors submit their papers through the conference’s online submission system, adhering to specific formatting guidelines.  iccide2025@vjit.ac.in
  • The conference committee conducts an initial check for compliance with submission guidelines, plagiarism check , and relevance to the conference themes.
  • Papers that pass the initial screening are assigned to reviewers, typically experts in the relevant field. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and availability.
  • Reviewers evaluate the papers based on criteria such as originality, significance, technical quality, clarity, and relevance. They provide feedback and recommend acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection.
  • The conference committee compiles the reviews and considers the feedback to make final decisions.
  • Authors are notified of the acceptance or rejection of their papers, along with reviewer comments for any revisions needed.
  • Authors may be required to revise their papers based on reviewer feedback and resubmit them by a specified deadline.
  • Accepted papers are published in the conference proceedings, which may be indexed in Scopus.